

With the Whole Family

Celebrate Joy With Our Book!

Families will come together and focus their hearts on the scarlet thread of Christmas—Christ’s love and sacrifice. Woven through the tapestry of Scripture, and utilizing the Jesse Tree, this treasured ecumenical book helps to create poignant memories and beloved traditions.

Online Inspiration

Throughout Advent and the 12 Days of Christmas enjoy daily curated music, art, and resources. Discover God’s plan for the world and for your life through the mystery and wonder of Advent.

All Your Christmas Inspiration

Find craft tutorials, recipes, inspiring stories, insightful articles, planning tips, educational materials and so much more in our resource library.

Simplify Your Holidays

Visit our Christmas Shop for printable crafts and activities that will simplify your Advent and Christmas Seasons!

New to Advent?

Begin your journey through Advent and the Twelve Days of Christmas below.